First of all, I want to express so much gratitude to everyone who contributed to the project. Thanks to you, everyone involved in the project will be able to be paid for their work. Specifically, thanks to out to Caitlyn Brown, Eric Imhof, Eileen Calabro, Justin Bulava, Skylar Buettner, Mohini Tellakat, Despina Lambros, Leta Moser, Lee Koontz, and Alex Rigney.
The indiegogo page may indicate that we only got to 65% of our goal, but the reality is that we managed to hit our goal with a little room to spare. We needed much less to hit our budget goal than indiegogo would allow. So, I’m really excited and relieved.
Also, I really cannot describe how grateful I was for everyone that toughed it out in 102 degree sauna that was MoHA on Sunday. It means so much to me that people were able to go through more than a little discomfort to listen to the musicians who performed in pretty unbearable conditions.
I would also be remiss if I did not also mention the thanks of all the other people who have contributed to the project. This includes the city of Austin Cultural Arts Division, 4th Tap Brewing Co-Op, and Tito’s Vodka. They’re a late addition to our sponsor page, but we were very excited to have them on board.
I also want to thank the Museum of Human Achievement, SoundSpace, Church of the Friendly Ghost, and Me Mer Mo Monday for letting me present the project in a variety of formats and versions. Everyone behind these organizations are the most supportive and positive people.
Finally, I want to thank all of the performers who joined me on this project. This includes Sarah Brown, Chris Demetriou, Spencer Johnson, Seetha Shivaswamy, Laura Dykes, Tiago da Silva, Henna Chou, Steve Parker, and Alan Retamozo. I also never would have been able to make this happen without the help and support of my wife Ana Rigney. Her assistance could be found every step of the way.
Thanks again to everyone! I hope you enjoyed it. The live stream will hopefully be live through June, assuming it doesn’t crash while I’m in Europe for a few weeks. After that I’ll be looking for another home for the weather station, possibly locally or regionally.